Your Aged Care & Food Service specialist Dietitians.
Let Nosh Dietitians Co. cater to you.
Aged Care Services
Improving clinical dietetic services for seniors in aged care facilities and older adults in the community, nurturing their health together.
Food Services
Menu reviews, consulting and staff training & education tailored to meet the needs of your organisation.
The Dietitian’s Hub
Specialised training and education for Dietitians entering and practising in the aged care sector.
Dietitian Services
Clinical Dietitian Referrals
We provide full nutrition assessments and develop evidence-based dietary care plans that are tailored to your residents. These include for unintentional weight loss, malnutrition, unstable diabetes, gastrointestinal conditions, pressure injuries/ wound healing, enteral feeds, cancer cachexia and cognitive decline with dementia.
Menu & Mealtime Assessments
Let’s work together to develop a menu and mealtimes your residents rave about. We provide a comprehensive menu review, including an onsite assessment at mealtimes, focusing on the quality and nutritional needs for older people. We also provide actionable strategies for enhancing meal quality and compliance with Aged Care Quality Standards. Our goal is to help you develop menus and mealtime experiences that delight your residents.
Nutrition Policy & Procedures
Often the forgotten part of aged care nutrition, we help you develop nutrition processes to direct your staff to identify areas of concern with unintentional weight loss, malnutrition or other medical conditions that require specific nutrition support. In partnership, we develop procedures to direct your staff with actions to take to improve food and nutrition outcomes for residents. We take an overall view of your nutrition procedures and tailor them specifically for your organisation to reduce risk and improve clinical outcomes.